It it Musescore or MuseScore?

• Jul 9, 2012 - 04:08

When I go to a forum I see lower case in the headline and upper case in the body of the information.


I try to consolidate on MuseScore. It makes it easier to identify the two parts of the name and easier for people to not mistake it with MuseCore, MusicScore and other variants. If you find a place somewhere on the website, except forum posts obviously, where Musescore is used, let us know.

In French typography it is unusual to put uppercase in the middle of a word and I am very willing to meet this purpose since former printer and typographer (and musician). But I always wrote "MuseScore". Lasconic is right: this graph is the logo of our favorite editor. This is incidentally also a gentle reminder that the project founder MuseScore is German ( unlike the French typographical rules, the presence of uppercase within the German words is normal ; ))

In reply to by [DELETED] 15468

No, even in German an uppercase letter in the middle of a word is unusual.
Not so at the beginnen, where all nouns are capitalized.
In the middle it only became modern to gender-neutralize nouns, e.g. KollegInnen, combining Kollegen (workmates, actually male and femal, so gender neutral from the start but that went unnoticed by the feminists ;-)) and Kolleginnen (femal workmates). IMHO a bad habit...

In the computer industry though this camel case is quite popular.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Excuse my bad english : "the middle of words" ( au milieu des mots ) is a French way of saying which means: "a little everywhere in the phrase". I would have thought that this appearance was inadequate. In french the Caps are placed at the beginning of a sentence and are always the first letter of a proper name and does not tolerate their use elsewhere. In German script, occurrences in a phrase are rather frequent.


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