trill (tremelo) notation

• Jul 22, 2012 - 05:13

I have some whole note and half note trills that I need to notate the 2nd note of the trill goes down a half step, instead of up.
Is there a way to do this? In the original score the trill note is shown as a small solid note without a stem after the whole or half note.



Attaching a picture of what you are trying to do would help. Sou ds like maybe an ordinary trill sign combined with a floating notehead symbol placed from the Symbols palette might be the ticket.

In reply to by harris128

Sounds like you are trying to create this as text using the text symbols palette. That's not what we're talking about. Don't create text; just press Z while *not* in text edit mode and it brings up the music symbols palette. You'll find the note heads where lasconic described.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks for the clarification, that's what I was looking for.

Since some of the trills are above and some below the 5 line staff, is there a way to say show the trill note (below) the main note by putting say a quarter note after the trill whole note, but make the quarter note stem invisible?


In reply to by harris128

Again, a picture would help - i'm not understanding how what you are describing wouldn't jt be a harder way of doing the same thing as we already described. Sounds like you are saynng you want both a whole note and a quarter note in the measure, but the stem hidden ob the quarter note. If so, then you need to right click the measure and use Measure Properties to set the Actual Duration of the measure to 5/4, then right click the qualter note and use Note Properties to make it stemless. That's more work than siplly using the ymbol palette, though, and it will mess up playback. And I don't see what above or nelow the staff has to do with anything. Are you perhaps not realizing you can drag the notehead symbol anywhere you like?

The best I could come up with is as follows:

Create the whole note tied to the half-note
Add a quarter-note grace note to the whole note
Move the grace note down a tone
Make the grace note stemless (right-click, Note Properties)
Double-click on the grace note and use the arrow keys to move it to the right
Add a text box containing an opening bracket, two spaces and a closing bracket
Move the text box such that the brackets enclose the stemless grace note.

(using Z to call up the symbols palette I find it more difficult to create a note when it needs a ledger line).

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temp.mscz 1.58 KB

In reply to by underquark

Agreed; if you need ledger lines, I'd create these as some form of regular note. Either a grace note than manually moved into position, or a note in another voice made and and with the leading and trailing rests hidden.

Personally, though, I'd also consider simply rewriting this using the more modern convention, since that's what most musicians are going to be used to reading anyhow. That is, notate the lower note as the main note.

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