Note entry not appearing (Solved)

• Jul 22, 2012 - 09:35

Hello to this forum!

I´ve been using MuseScore a while now, and for a open source program it´s very versatile. As I don´t really need any orchestral libraries, it does pretty much everything I need from a notation software.

I have had a bit of problems with MuseScore though. Overall it seems to be a bit buggy, but I can live with that, as I am not a professonal note writer of any kind. Still it´s annoying sometimes.

The latest bug I´ve had is that the note entry doesn´t appear anywhere. When I tick the note entry from the show menu (or what ever they are in english - thank you by the way for the finnish translation!), nothing happens. The note entry doesn´t appear anywhere. The problem might be that I have been using external display, and the note entry palette has been "left" to the another display. Now I don´t have a chance to test this with another display as I am traveling with only my laptop.

I´ve been able to use MuseScore now from a different user account of this computer. There the software works normally. Still it would be nice to use MuseScore from my own account... Is there a way to reset this software? Or is there any other way to fix problem? The problem might be a little and a stupid one, but still it makes the program unusable for me. I´ve re-installed the software, but it seems to remember all the settings anyway.

I´m using a MacBook with 10.6.8, and MuseScore version is 1.2.


You probably already know all of the following, but let's start from the beginning and assume you have created a new empty score with the "File | New" menu command and start with:

1) Select a note or a rest in the score (in this case a rest, as the score is still empty)
2) Press the "N" icon in the "note entry" toolbar (the toolbar at the top of the screen which contains an upper N icon, icons for note values, dots, accidentals, ...) OR press the [N] key
3) A blue vertical bar is shown right before the selected note or rest.
4) Simply typing note values (keys [1] to [9]) and note pitches (keys [A], [B], [C], ... [G]) should enter notes.

Which part of the process is not working for you?

If things get very out of control, there is always the option to revert to factory settings , but let's leave this as last option, as with it you would loose all the customizations you may have done to MuseScore.



In reply to by Miwarre

Thank you for the reply! The problem is that the note entry toolbar (with the letter N and the notes) doesn´t appear anywhere on the screen. I attach a screenshot here. As you can see, the note entry is ticked (nuotin syöttö in finnish), but there isn´t a toolbar or palette anywhere.

The second thing by the way is that I´ve done something weird, and the document opens twice on the screen (you can also see that in the attachment). If I try to close one of those projects, they both close.

Propably I´ll just try the factory settings, and see if that fixes the problem. Strange though.

EDIT: I solved the other problem. The answer was quite obvious, I unticked Dokumentit rinnakkain/Dokumentit päällekkäin-options.

In reply to by Rocksamuli

I am afraid this is somehow Mac-specific and I only use Windows and Linux.

Can you try rlght-click on the empty area at the right of the toolbar? (using your screen shot as reference, it could be for instance in the emtpy area above the leftmost " [X] Reunion_example" blue box, at the right of the "repeat" icon).

Assuming most things work in Mac as they work in the other OSes, a menu should drop down listing all the toolbars (4 of them + "Palettes" ("Paletit"?)); if it does, clicking any of them should toogle its display / hide status.

Any Mac user out there can offer other suggestions?


In reply to by brianstrange

Are you asking how to do something? This thread is from four years ago; it is not very likely to be related to whatever problem you are having. Better to start a new thread and dexcribe in more detail what you are having trouble with - eg, what you clicking, what you expect to see happen, what happens instead.

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