Time/Key Signature Master Palette Editorwhen Add New Time/Key Signatures or when rearrange

• Feb 16, 2017 - 23:39

If user presses "Shift-T" or "Shift-K", then MuseScore will open up a window for adding new Key Signatures. There are a few things I'd think make this UI more easier:

  1. Pressing the "Add" button will add a new key/time signature to the palette in that Master Palette Window, however there is no easy way to edit an existing Master Palette signature. (Currently have to "Add" the new element, and then right click on the old element and press "Clear"). Also I think the current UI is a bit misleading since it displays the element that you first selected highlighted in blue even though what you are about to "Add" is not actually replacing that element. I would say to add a new button "Save" which would replace the existing element in the master palette. And I would change title of that QGroupBox from "Create Time Signature" to "Time Signature Editor".
  2. Change the tooltip popup for the "Add" button from "Add [Time/Key] Signature to Palette" into "Add [Time/Key] Signature to Master Palette"
  3. When Right Click a time/key signature element in master palette, add an extra command "Add to Workspace Palette", which would be greyed out if user currently has a non-editable workspace (i.e. "Basic" or "Advanced") and maybe have a tooltip popup which says something along the lines of "Must use custom workspace". I think this would help discovery of the ability to have custom palettes.
  4. The "Reset" button for Time Signatures only resets the Note Groupings to the default setting for that time signature. But the problem is that that is not clear, primarily because the "Reset" button is isolated from the rest of Qstuff in the QGroupBox for Note Groups. So I think it is necessary to put a vertical spacer below the "Note Groups" QGroupBox in order for that to be clear. I would also add a popup tooltip text "Reset Note Grouping" so is clear that that reset button does not reset the time signature num/denom.
  5. Currently can clear a time/key signature by right clicking in the Master Palette and pressing Clear, which replaces it with whitespace. I would rather that Clear would remove the element entirely so there is no blank element. And although can rearrange elements, there is no way to get rid of the cleared elements via the UI. This goes with the current workspace palette as well.
  6. Add a name for each newly created key/time sig. I would add an extra text edit box for this, which would automatically update when user changes num/denom for time signatues, and then which user could easily just edit that box if wanted something other than the default. Key Sigs are currently named "Custom", but I would also add a text box editor in the Create Key Sigs UI so user can easily name it right away. Currently would have to right click on the newly created time/key sig in the master palette and change the name there. The names are useful for people like me who have idenitically-name time sigs but with different note spacing
  7. Unify the Master Palette Time Signatue Editor with the Time SIganture Properties, which can currently only be accessed only by right clicking a time signature already in a score. Then those two would have the same features (like using Other Symbol or Cusom text for num & denom.
  8. When right clicking time/key signature, I would add a command "[Time/Key] Signature Properties" to edit existing palette's sig as well as a command "Add new [Time/Key] Signature" which would bring up the editor for a new sig. This allows user to easily add/modify time signatures to current palette without having to do extra steps of accessing the master palette + adding new to master palette + dragging to current palette.

There may be some others. But I think these are fairly simple and I know I would very much like for 2.1


is there a reason why Time Signature Properties has the values greyedout. I think user should be able to change the time signature here. Would of course have to call cmdAddTimeSig in order to have subsequent measures modified correctly, just like what happens when dropping a time sig.

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