Disregard...I can't reproduce. latest 3.0-dev build has scores way too big and flipped vertically & horizontally
EDIT: I can't seem to reproduce this now after doing a factory reset...maybe something with my .ini file was messed up. So I added "disregard" to the title. (I don't know how to delete post).
notice that zoom is only %5, but all can see is the corner of the score:
I discovered that that blue stuff is actually the title box. Further inspection of another score led me to discover that the score if flipped vertically and horizontally, because I see an instrument name flipped:
Also, I just got a crash by creating a new score based on a 3-part template...assert fail:
Debug: 0x3143ce50 0--1 (C:\Users\Eric\Documents\GitHub\MuseScore\libmscore\layout.cpp:3381, void Ms::Score::doLayoutRange(int, int))
Fatal: ASSERT: "!isEmpty()" in file C:/Qt/5.6/mingw49_32/include/QtCore/qlist.h, line 335 (:0, )
The doLayoutRange assert looks very suspiciously related to what was discussed in #154551: Crash by removing a score with frames when the last measure contains a pedal line/volta line
fyi, I'm on fade47128 Windows 10 x86-64