Program variables

• Feb 19, 2017 - 23:19

These are probably a common things that people would like in MuseScore software.
1) Easier way to merge parts (ex. Fl. 1 & 2)/combine percussion
2) More "natural" sounding trumpets and saxophones
3) Dynamics automatically change with hairpins & text (ex. dim.)
4) Tempo automatically change with text (ex. rit./accel.)
5) Individual notes actually sound slurred (when there is a slur)
6) Customized note options (ex. clapping, repeat this scale randomly for these measures, whisper, etc.)
7) Suspended cymbal

If any of these are already asked (which probably all are), please try to add them more (becucase then more people want it :D) MuseScore is already an outstanding music notation software, and it could be even better. Thanks!


Several of these are planned for 3.0. Mostly the more accurate playback items and merging parts (1, 3, and 5) 2, 6, and (I think) 7 are already doable. You may need to look for sound fonts, but they can be done none the less. 4 has a plugin that simulates this (pretty good) called TempoChanges found here:

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