Shorten Staff

• Feb 22, 2017 - 19:17

I compose music for church services which are pasted into our service booklet. Sometimes, the music will fill up all of one line and part of another. If this happens, the last measure(s) are elongated across the page., sometimes one measure all the way accross. If I append additional measures, the last measure can be adjusted to a reasonable size, but when exported, the extra, empty measures still appear, even if I make them invisible using F8. How can I cut off a staff at a double bar line half way across the page, and have the music end at that point?


The style setting shown above works well much of the time. To be clear, though: it is setting a *threshold*, not setting an *absolute size*. So, 70% doesn't mean, set the last line to be 70% of the page. It means, let the last line be as short as it wants to be, *unless* that would make it more than 70% of the width of the page. If it gets to be 70% of the page, *then* MuseScore will stretch it the rest of the way.

\Probably your current score has this set to a small value like 0 or maybe 30.. Setting it to 0 means, even a single measure exceeds the threshold so it will be stretched the whole width of the page. A setting of 30 means a single measure probably won't exceed the threshold so it will be left alone, but as soon as you add a second or third or fourth measure, you'll probably exceed the threshold, and it will stretch.

The other thing is, instead of messing with this, you can solve the problem more directly by appending a horizontal frame instead of extra measures. This will do what you were trying to do in the first place. And horizontal frames are invisible (even though you will see them on screen).

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