Change note duration and shuffle those before and after

• Mar 2, 2017 - 21:22

Is possible to change the duration of a note and have it shuffle everything after it along rather than overwrite the next note or insert a rest?


No. MuseScore would have no way of guessing how many notes you'd want moved, so instead, simply select whatever note or notes you want moved and then use cut/paste to put them where you want them.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Of course, there isn't a perfect solution but at the moment if I have a bar of four crotchets and want to turn it into minim, quaver, quaver crotchet, when I amend the first crotchet the second disappears. I can work backwards through the bar but, for me it isn't very intuitive. If I could have the notes shuffling about, crossing bar lines as necessary I think I'd find it easier. Although I understand this might be impractical for long pieces of music.

In reply to by dyrck

So in this particular case, you want to change this measure and no other measure. So what you guessed originally was wrong - you don't want all notes to the end of the piece moved. And yet in other cases, you might want *more* than a bar affected. I other cases, you might want *less* than a bar. This is what MuseScore cannot possibly guess. So no matter what it guesses, it will be wrong very often, and fixing the error thus introduced will be more work than how it works now.

Again, if you personally know how many notes you want to move, simply do it yourself. Select the notes you want moved, cut, select where you want to move to, paste. no guesswork - you will get exactly the results you want, every time.

Although in a very simple case like this, you'll likely never improve upon simply re-entering those notes.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

This isn't about having MuseScore 'guess' anything, I take responsibility for putting notes into measures, it is simply about speeding up the editing process. I don't usually want to move anything, just amend all the note durations in a bar that doesn't involve me having to re-enter the pitches. As I said above, if I edit a crotchet at the start of a bar to a minim, the following note disappears, even though I probably still want a note of that pitch in the bar. So the workflow I'd like is:
a) Turn first crotchet in bar to minim (last crotchet jumps bar line)
b) Turn second and third crotchets in bar to two quavers (last crotchet jumps back to where it belongs). Job done.
Currently crotchet number two disappears and I have to turn crotchet 3 (now crotchet 2) to a quaver and then reinsert the missing note.
I suppose I really want it to work a bit like editing text.

In reply to by dyrck

You might not be thinking about in terms of MuseScore having to gues,s but that is exactly what would have to happen. Consider: you shorted a note in on beat 2 of measure 7 of a 200-measure score. Do you *really* want every note to the end of the score moved earlier? Almost certainly not! So if MuseScore did that, it would be a disaster! Instead, in this particular case, you probably want only a single note moved earlier, or maybe the next two or three. Again, MuseScore has no way of knowing how many. So there is no way way around the fact that whatever it guesses, it's going to be wrong a lot. And then you have to repair the damage.

The reason this isn't an issue in a word processor is that there is basically never a case where you *don't* want everything to the end of the document moved earlier. You always want that, because text is fundamentally different from music in that it doesn't have specific a time position. It won't matter a bit if the last word of your document moves from 5" in from the edge of the page to only 4" in after you delete a word earlier in the document. But it absolutely ruins your score if the last note of your score moves from beat 1 of the last measure to beat 4 of the previous measure!

So again, yes, I get that *in this particular case*, it *just so happens to be the case* that moving notes around within the meassure produces the result you want. And for that reason, a new separate command to do this in those cases where it happens to be exactly what you want is something that might someday be added. but it definitely is *not* what would be wanted a lot of the time. Usually, if you put notes in on a particular beat, you want them to stay there.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I think we will have to agree to disagree. I think I can keep track of where everything moves to without too much difficulty, if I delete a note then everything will shuffle forward by that amount, I'm pretty sure I'd notice that the down beat on the next bar(s) is now wrong and fix it. However, thanks for the discussion :-)

In reply to by dyrck

Indeed, what happens to notes as they change in time is a real problem. Notes no longer fit in measures and need to be split across barlines, notes that no longer are beamed properly, etc. Moving notes in time is a seriously invasive operation. You *really* wouldn't want MuseScore moving all notes to the end of the score. Try it via cut and paste and you will see why. None of this is an issue with text because it doesn't have to deal with any of those cases. That's why a text editor can work that way and seem perfectly natural, and it is also why basically no music notation works that way - it makes sense for text, but music is fundamentally different.

Again, sure, for those cases where it just so happens you want to move all notes in this measure - no more, no less - a new command to achieve that result is not out of the question.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Indeed, I understand all this. How about the ability to select a range of measures and lock everything either side of that range? Then the range can grow or shrink by adding or removing measures as required by the changes in note durations. There would be occasions when the selected measures made no musical sense and I accept that fixing this may be more trouble than it's worth.
Or maybe you could allow a 4 beat bar to accept 3 or 5 beats temporarily while editing and turn red to flag that it needed fixing?
It may be difficult or impossible but that doesn't stop it being desirable, after all, I for one would like the process simplified and maybe others would too.

In reply to by dyrck

There are indeed lots of possible designs for brand new editing modes. The trick is designing one that helps the most people in the most cases. I suspect a "lock" system would be less useful than the "scratch pad" idea that is more often proposed. But it's definitely worth further discussion of exactly how such a system might work.

In reply to by dyrck

No particular expertise required. What would be helpful would be to find some other other discussions, read through them, come up with a proposal how as a user you might expect this to work, then it up as precisely as possible - almost like you were writing the manual. Then others can see if they would actually find this design useful, or if they have improvements to suggests.

if at some point there is widespread agreement on a design that would provide useful functionality to many people without interfering with the existing functionality, then that could be the basis for a formal feature request to be implemented some day.

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