How to delete rest & shift score left

• Mar 6, 2017 - 05:55

So somehow I got an accidental rest added to the downbeat of a measure, and it shifted the entire score right, resulting in messy ties across barlines throughout the remainder of the piece. Can I somehow shift everything back? I've tried deleting the rest, but it simply stays put.



It would also help if you could explain more about how you did this and managed not to notice. I am guessing you either already did a cut and paste onto the wrong beat, or maybe it was the result of a time signature change, or maybe this was the result of the import of a MIDI file that has notes on the wrong beats. Depending on what you did to cause this, there are different things to think about. Like for instance, if it was the result of a time signature change, you would want to be sure you get that right before doing anything else. If it was the result of importing an erroneous MIDI file, best to simply fix the MIDI then re-import.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I managed to do this by changing the time signature in a completed piece of music, from 6/8 to 5/8 and back to 6/8. (Russian folk song, need I say more?) The 5/8 shifted every thing when I put the 6/8 back in, and extra 1/8th rest was added to the beginning of that measure. Cut and paste worked to shift it all back.

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