Again on pasting: pasting of tied notes

• Sep 8, 2012 - 09:20

It occurs to me -- and I believe it occurs to other too -- to copy notes from one staff to another but in a different measure position. Occasionally, a note originally tied across a measure bar get copied completely within the measure. Currently, the program copies it as two tied notes.

Of course, it can be fixed going over the pasted portion and altering the durations; however, I found it is easier to overlook some occurrences (particularly as I am now transcribing +100 canons, which involves copying hundreds of measures often shifted by half a measure).

Anybody else finds this inconvenient? Shouldn't the note be pasted as a single note, if it now fits in the measure?




On this specific issue, we could do with more tools to automate things like swiching from tied note and dotted notes. For example, for quarter tied to 8th. This would help for example MIDI import, and cleaning of MIDI files. This type of actions could be a part of a new "Transform" menu. This menu could also host things like "Break every X measures", now a plugin, but could go into core.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

I've been a proponent of something like a :transform" menu, and this seems like a natural fit, I would agree. The existing "transpose" and "respell" facilities would probably make sense to be moved there as well. I could see the ties / dotted facility existing both as a very explicit thing where you select a passage and say "convert all ties to dotted notes where possible" or vice versa, but also as more general "smart" facility that rewrote passages, fixing beaming, adding and removing ties as appropriate. Because all of these things generally need cleanup after a copy/paste if the beat positions change.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

... it is a somewhat different thing.

I think copying a note tied across a bar line and pasting it within a measure should give a dotted note (if possible) by itself, not as another step the user should invoke separately.

(Much as currently, if you do the opposite (copy a dotted note and paste it across a bar line), a tied note is generated by itself)

Am I right?


In reply to by Miwarre

It wouldn't bother me if the paste operation automatically invoked the transform action, but I'd want to be able to invoke it separately as well. And as I said, there's really more to it than just converting ties across the barline into dotted notes. There is also the matter of changing beaming, of breaking up long notes into ties to expose beat three, etc.

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