Changing the notation behavior

• Sep 12, 2012 - 16:03

Since I can't explain well my problem, please see the original music (remark1.jpg attached) and the other mscz file I attached to this post.
I am rewriting the jpg file into mscz one for alto sax so MuseScore can transpose it automatically for me.
Please look at the beginning of the A part in the jpg file.
Then look at what I've written in mscz file which is the same part. But it looks different although the notes' timings are correct. The same "visual" difference appears again in measure 3, and I guess I'll have more as I keep copying the jpg file.

How should I do for the mscz file looks exactly as the original jpg one ?

Attachment Size
A Remark You maid-AS.mscz 2.08 KB
remark1.jpg 130.81 KB


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