Removing the bar lines between staffs

• Sep 22, 2012 - 05:05

I am trying to place lyrics between the two staffs but I don't know how to remove the bar lines connecting the staffs at the end of each measure - these lines of course do cross the text. I'm pretty sure there's a way of removing those lines to give way for the lyrics. I just don't know how it's done. Thanks in advance for the help.


It's not possible right now in MuseScore 2.0 to have the lyrics on top of the barlines. If you want you can disconnect the barlines by double clicking the barline and moving the blue handle but it will change all the barlines in the score.

Next version of MuseScore (2.0) will let you define a background for lyrics syllab and you will be able to get this effect. See #15177: Text over bar line if you are curious about the technical details.

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