Ability To Modify Default Position For Dynamic Markings

• Sep 25, 2012 - 17:31

To my eye and sensibility, dynamic markings are set too far to the right of the notes to which they are attached. I've hunted through the software and the forums but have found nothing about altering the default placement of dynamic marks. Because you cannot select a group of dynamic marks and move them as a group, it makes for some very tedious mouse work as you select and reposition each dynamic mark.

Note: I notice in the nightly build version (2.0) for Windows that the position of the dynamic marks is almost directly below the note to which it is associated which is a much better positioning. However, I still can't find any way to globally change the placement of dynamic marks (horizontally and/or vertically). I think this ability could come in very helpful for those unusual pieces that have a lot going on and a lot of clutter.


Default placement (and font) of the various types of text is determined by the text style setting for that element type: style / text. However, while it works for most element types, it is broken for dynamics in 1.2 (works fine in 2.0).

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