IMPROVE Playback for Articulations, Ornaments, Arpeggios and Tremolos.

• Sep 26, 2012 - 10:42

It doesn't sounds right when I playback trills, turns, tremolos and etc. for piano. and also pizzicati for strings. The trills can't be continued to the next measure. Arpeggios from different voices are not united.


All this is implemented in the soon to be released version 2.0 apart from arpeggios from different voices.

I can't understand why you would want to "unite" arpeggios from different voices? The whole point of voices is to provide a means of scoring polyphonic music on 2 staves, and as such should be independent of each other.

Unless you mean an arpeggio rolling from left hand to right hand across the grand staff? In which case that can be faked with the articulation editor present in 2.0

If you want to try this stuff out for yourself go to the download page and download the appropriate nightly build for your OS. Be aware though that 2.0 is not yet in alpha, is inherently unstable and therefore not suitable for serious work.

In reply to by ChurchOrganist

There might be cases where the notes in an arpeggio are noted as separate voices because the rhythms diverge later on in the measure. Like, say, four note arpeggio that begins a measure, with the bottom three notes sustained for the whole measure but the top note then moving in quarter notes.

In reply to by ChurchOrganist

I'm not sure if you understood my point. What I mean is that I can't get the arpeggio to be played correctly in MuseScore. Take another example, bar number 21 from the same composition. It doesn't only span different staves but also within the treble clef stave it also spans different voices.

I'd like this to be played correctly in MuseScore, and not to be simply visually correct.

Anyway I'm sorry if I'm not clear or if it's only that my ignorance hinders me to understand you.

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