what am I doing wrong

• Mar 21, 2017 - 15:24

In the barbershop quartet template after putting in 4 voice parts, there are left over whole note rests hanging out on the staff. They will not cut or delete with a right click. I can drag them down out of the way, but cant make them disappear. Its almost as if they represent a fifth voice part that isn't entered. What am I doing wrong?


In reply to by mike320

Im not talking about the empty measures at the end that I dont use. Im talking about the measures that I have put chord into. The rest hides out in among the notes even after I have put in four parts that use all four of their beats in the measure. Sorry if i didnt explain well.

Sorry about the misunderstanding.

The leanest way to get rid of the extra rests is to hide them. click and press v you can ctrl-click to add additional rests and press v once to hide all of them at once.

If the notes are not in voice 1 you can delete them, just press delete rather than v. This will probably reformat your measures in undesirable ways more than simply hiding them will and cause you to have to go back and change stem directions to make them make sense more than if you hide the rests.

When you hide them, if you have show invisible checked under the View menu, they will become gray, but they will not print to a PDF or printer,

Likely you've entered tenor and bass in voices 3 & 4. Use voices 1 & 2 instead.
Those 'voices' have nothing to do with the human voice instrument; but are rhythmically independent melodies per staff. You get 4 of them for each staff and should always start with voice 1 on a staff.

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