Cleanup utility for scores with unterminated/missing elements?

• Mar 22, 2017 - 04:56

Some time ago (last year), I reported on and posted a small C program to scan an MusicXML (.mscx) file for un-terminated slurs, which would multiply with every save, to the point where a score would have tens of thousands of orphan slurs after a bit.

I've been trying out the overnight development versions of MuseScore and, from the console messages, there's still a raft of zero-length slurs and un-terminated hairpins. Even better would be to have MuseScore delete the troublesome elements before saving.

Has anyone bothered to write a utility yet to clean out the cruft in score files? I think many people would welcome it.

Thanks for any leads...


A cleanup utility would be great. I also imagine that would be a nice plugin.

Regarding "trying out the overnight development versions of MuseScore and..." I should warn you to be aware that 3.0-dev is very unstable.

I kind of thought we *did* clean these up before saving, as a result of the work done earlier on this issue. Are you sure they are still after resaving the file in 2.1? Can you post such a score?

The first time I saved a problem score with 2.1, it took forever and on reloading the saved score, still had many screens of diagnostics. Saving it again seemed to take care of the remaining errors.

So, I guess the answer is that "If at first you don't succeed, try again".


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