
• Mar 23, 2017 - 14:29

Dear Sir,

I need your advise on barlines.

I.Is it possible to have double dashed line as shown at Attachment?

II.I read your info about balines but I did not find my case that you can see at Attachment.
Please advice hot I can have the same as shown.

Best regards,


Attachment Size
MusicHelp7Barlines.png 20.28 KB


You can use the master palette (press Z to see it) and drag individual dashed lines to your score to make them look like double lines. This will not start a new measure. You will have to use another bar line from the Barlines palette for this. You can even use a dotted line from the Barlines palette and place one from the master palette next to it to make it look like a double bar line.

In reply to by mike320

Dear Sir,

I tried your info but the second barline shows up on next measure not next to the first dotted line that was added from master palette (pressed Z).
Maybe something missed in your info or this is my computer problem.
Please check your message.
Best regards,


In reply to by MarkUSA

If you want to use a bar line from the barlines palette and a barline from the master palette, you need to insert the barline from the barlines palette like normal. You can then drag the barline from the master palette to as close to the other barline as possible then use the inspector's horizontal and vertical offsets to move the barline from the master palette to where you want it. You can also do the same thing with the barline from the barlines palette, but should not need to be moved as far. Note negative numbers in the inspector move the barlines up or to the left.

Sorry I forgot to add the moving part which is so automatic to me.

In reply to by MarkUSA

Not sure what the double dash bar line means, you can also insert a system or staff text (in the menu add->text, change the font size, add the bar line via special characters (the sign on the bottom left when you're inserting the text or shortcut F2) and changing the position/offset in the inspector.

note: in my example I repeated this procedure twice but it is also possible to add a text once and insert a blank and the second bar line from special characters.

Attachment Size
doubledash.mscz 3.01 KB

In reply to by kuwitt

I think, normal double barline is enough.

Select last note,
Go to Edit> Measure: click "Split Measure Before Selected Note."
Select newly appeared barline: Make double barline.
Select new barline again, go to inspector. Click color, Hue:0 Sat:0 input: Val:127 (gray)
Go to Repeats and Jumps, > put "Fine" to first half of split(ted) measure.


Attachment Size
fine-double.png 6.49 KB

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