Q/W working on multiple notes at once

• Mar 29, 2017 - 03:12

The Q/W hotkeys currently only seem to work on a single note at a time. It would be nicer however if they you could select an entire sequence of notes, and use this tool to quickly retime the entire passage (speeding up/slowing down)

- Perhaps this ough to be a separate request, but it would be great if using "W" on a dotted-crotchet makes it a dotted-minum, or a "Q" on a dotted-chrotchet makes it a dotted-quaver (and likewise for other denominations). Right now, it seems to chop off the dot and carry on as if the dot never existed.


A double time / half time tool is a common request, hopefully it gets some day. More complex than it might seem at first, especially if we wish to other ratios or time signatures where this doesn't work out nicely (to say nothing of tuplets).

Regarding dots, I believe this behavior is already being changed for 2.1, in conjunction with the addition of new commands Shift+W and Shift+Q that will essentially add and remove dots retroactively.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Ah cool :)

With tuplets, I was going that say that you could probably get away with halving everything within the tuplet, and then halving the length of time the whole thing takes. And thinking about it, it would probably work for 5-lets and so on (i.e. you've still got some base duration that they're all supposed to fit in, so if you just adjust that accordingly, I guess it should just work out).

I suppose mixed time signatures might pose an issue (though I don't seem to see them in Musescore), while frequently changing time signatures can be dealt with by just chaining things together to retain the right lengths.

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