Installation instructions provided in the README are unclear for and don't work on Mac

• Mar 31, 2017 - 01:44
S4 - Minor
by design

Hello! I'm running MuseScore 2.0.3 on Mac OS 10.11.6, and trying to install the scales plugin. I've tried following the installation instructions in the scales README, and the general plugin installation instructions for MuseScore, both V2 and V1, including leaving the unzipped folder name alone (it doesn't unzip to a folder named scales) and trying it with different variants of the name scales, all to, seemingly, no avail: after restarting MuseScore, it doesn't appear in the Plugins Manager, nor in any menu or palette (that I can see/find). So either the instructions are incorrect/no longer valid, or they are incomplete/insufficient. Thank you for your prompt attention to this: I'm really anxious to use this plugin!


I was afraid of/suspected that; it would be helpful if someone could update the README accordingly. So the only way to "detune" pitches in MS2 is one-by-one using the built-in tuning feature?

Plugins that work in 2.x all explicitly say so. And the plugins manual for 2.x also hints at that those need a .qml extension and that those with a .js extension no longer work.