More flexible bar lines: pull request ready for testing

• Oct 15, 2012 - 14:35

I posted on the Github repo a pull request (// ) implementing more flexible bar lines according to the design ideas originally posted here . A general discussion can be found at #12398: Add more barline style : tick, short, dotted.

If anybody is interested and has a working development environment can get the pull request and test the branch even before it gets merged in the main repo master and/or it finds its way to the nightlies. This could help catching bugs and oversights earlier.

I actually have no idea of a git procedure to fetch a pull request into a local repo, but I assume some of the gurus out there can help...




I think the easiest way is as follow but I'm still learning...
Create a branch
$ git checkout -b testnewfeature
Pull the code from Miwarre branch
$ git pull BarLine_micro_span
Compile as usual
When done, destroy the branch

$ git checkout master
$ git branch -D testnewfeature

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