Page layout (or whatever my problem is)

• Oct 21, 2012 - 17:01

Is it possible to alter the settings in the attached file so that it will fit on to two pages only and still be legible?

Attachment Size
I May Be Wrong But290812.mscz 10.85 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

many thanks for that - your modification gives me just what I want (choral singers like to be spoonfed with their own individual staves, so I'm happy to be able to give them just that but on a single double-sided sheet).

Would you mind telling me how to do what you did, so that I can do it myself in future?

I would agree that your best option is to combine staves, because it's *already* too small to be easily readable by those of us with older eyes that have trouble with small print.

But it is possible to squeeze this onto two pages without making it too much worse and without combining parts. First, reduce the Lyrics Lower Margin in Style / General / Page, which lessens the extra space below each lyric and thus moves the staves closer together within each system. Second, reduce the "Space" setting in Layout->Page Settings a little until you can fit three systems on the first page. I find that a Lyrics Lower Margin of 1sp, and a Space of 1.4mm, works - there is still enough room between staves, and three systems fit per page. You will still have a couple of measures on the third page, but you can solve this by squeezing things tighter horizontally: Select All and hit "{" to reduce stretch.

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