how do I change the size of the staff lines and notes?

• Oct 23, 2012 - 18:31

I use lead sheets a lot (usually from Wikifonia). Sometimes the staffs and notes are larger on some lead sheets than others. My poor eyesight appreciates larger staff and notes when it's possible. Quest: what controls the size of the staff and notes and can I change those sizes on a lead sheet? (P.S. I'm using Vers 1.1 on Windows Vista.) ... Thanks


The overall size of your score elements is controlled by layout / page settings / space. You are literally setting the size of the space between staff lines, and if you change this value in an existing score, most other elements will resizing proportionally (which is this box is also labelled "scaling"). But it won't affect future scores. If you want to change MuseScore's defaults, see edit / preferences / score.

Note that the original "lead sheet" template deliberately sets "space" to a pretty small value, I guess copying the look of those old fashioned fakebooks that squeeze multiple tunes onto each page. For 1.1, MuseScore introduced the "Jazz Lead Sheet" template that uses a much larger "space" value, in keeping with how most jazz fakebooks are published these days.

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