Guitar bends (bend, return, ½ step, full step, etc)?

• Oct 27, 2012 - 11:16

Thank you all for Musescore. I love it and have gotten a music school that I work at using it sometimes. I have also made a donation I think, if not, I will. Now to my request which may have been reuqested before. I would love some basic guitar features added like:

Bends that happen gradually
Bends that return to it's original position on the next note
Bends that describe if it is a half step bend and not only full

There are more things that would be useful but these are for me at the moment quite necessary.

Keep up the good work!


It would be helpful if you could describe what you expect these to look like. Also, have your checked out the Falls and Doits palettes in the nightly builds for the next upcoming version (see the Download link in menu at right of this page, then scroll down)? Not that this palette contains anything so specific, but It isn't clear if you have seen what's already coming or not.

Thank you both for your reply and sorry for not describing it good enough for you to know exactly what i mean. The example you (the second replier) gave is one option but the most used ones would be like in the tabulatur but maybe like this ( in the notes section, with the V shaped symbols. I am not sure about that last one though. Some write full when it is a whole tone bend and some write a 1.

Gradual bends like these ( are good I think.

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