avoiding or hiding rests

• Apr 10, 2017 - 22:47

I'm new here and I'm trying to create a score for a drum set.
I now have a note with 4 base quarter notes in voice 2.
Above the 4th quarter note I want to add a quarter snare note (in voice 1).
The only way I managed to do this is by adding 3 rests and then the quarter snare note.

I am used to using the rest only when all of the voices rest.
it also becomes cluttered like this and the rest notes are overlapping hi hat notes.
so I am wondering:
Is there a way to enter the quarter snare note directly above the 4th base note without adding rests first?
is it possible to hide the rest symbols?

Thanks for your help!

Attachment Size
rest_issue.mscz 5.03 KB


If you don't want to see them, select them and press V to make them invisible. They will probably appear gray but will disappear if you click view->show invisible.

Well, instead of three quarter rests, there should be a half rest on beat one followed by a quarter rest. But you really shouldn't hide them. Showing the leading rests is pretty important in contexts like this, to allow the rhythm of each voice to be read independently.

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