Unable to open saved file

• Apr 12, 2017 - 20:47

Hello! I'm having an issue with a musescore project I wrote. I don't have a backup because I wrote it on a school machine that self-wipes whenever it is reset. When I try to load my saved .mscz file i get "Cannot read file C:\blah blah blah" error and I can't open it with any archival tools, but opening it with notepad++ gave me what appears to be the full xml. However, when resaving as an xml, I get the error "Error reading container.xml at line 1 column 1: unexpected end of file" or I just get a blank page, and I can't get anything else to open it either. Can anybody help me open it in musescore or otherwise be able to get a printable PDF? Thank you!

Attachment Size
Working Title.mscz 43.03 KB
recovery.xml 43.03 KB


Very interesting! Indeed, your MSCZ file would not open in MuseScore or in any of my archive programs, so I'm surprised you were able able to get anything out of it using Notepad++, but actually, I was able to open it in ordinary Notepad as well. Maybe that approach is worth trying on other corrupted archives - we get reports of these from time to time, although no insight into how they happen. [ EDIT: oh, I see, this never was an MSCZ file in the first place, probably not an error ]

Anyhow, all you actually need to do to open your "recovery.xml" file in MuseScore is change the extension to MSCX. As it is, MuseScore is trying to interpret it as a MusicXML file, not a native MuseScore file. [ EDIT: as Jojo managed to post before me :- ]

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