Composer but cannot read music sheets

• Nov 11, 2012 - 03:29

Good day, I have been writing songs since high school, and been recording them (not on a professional basis). I am interested to translate the materials to music sheets so I can copyright them. What is the most simple way to achieve this? I am willing to collaborate with someone to do this for me if the procedure will require a lot of time and effort. Thanks for any advise you can extend.


Hi. While I am an erstwhile proponent of MuseScore, you don't need to transcribe your music into notation to have copyright.

Here in North America all you need to do is prove that you were first and you own copyright. Therefore, the more you are able to disseminate your music. the stronger your hold on copyright.

Your best bet is to join BMI or Ascap (here in Canada) or any Composer's Rights organization that serves your area. Register your stuff, they'll help you.

Don't be shy.


You don't say what your first instrument is.

If it is keyboard, or if you have some keyboard skills, then your way forward would be through MIDI.

1. Record the music with a MIDI sequencer.

2. Use quantise to tidy up timing and notation errors

3. Import MIDI file into MuseScore

4. Get someone to check notation output against MIDI playback - as sometimes you get discrepancies.


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