How to tie between voices

• Nov 11, 2012 - 13:49

Having searched the forum on this topic, I came across a link which suggested that this feature had been added back in 2011.
However, I can't seem to do this - is there a special method, or is it not working?



I dont think there is a way to do this directly. When I've needed to make this happen, I've found various workarounds, such as putting both notes in the same voice but flipping stems to make it look like they are in different voices, or using a hidden note in the same voice, or using a slur to emulate a tie. So far, I've always been able to get what I want one way or another.

In reply to by Ben Crosland

You can hide flags same as notes - just right click the flag specifically.

I've used pretty much every conceivable combination of these tricks to get my ties how they need to look. Overall, though. I prefer to use the idea of fiddling with which notes are in which voice so my ties are *not* actually in different voices. Sometimes, I have to rearrange the voice assignments of several other notes or even a whole measure to accommodate this, flipping stems to provide the correct appearance. Only if I can't get that to work do I resort to slurs, since they won't play back correctly.

See the piano part of the following arrangement for lots of examples:

Clair de Lune by Marc Sabatella

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