Is There Any Way to Edit Previously Saved Files?

• Nov 22, 2012 - 07:05

I recently downloaded this and I made a file to come back to and work more on later and when I went back I couldn't edit anything I saved. Is there any way to or am I saving it wrong? Thanks!


When you saved, you would have choose a path on your computer where to save the file you were working on. Just find this path again and double click the file to open it. If you did save it, it will also appear in MuseScore in File -> Open recent

In reply to by annamarie

There is absolutely no difference whatsoever between new scores and previously saved scores. Anything you can do with a new score, you can also do with a previously saved one. All you have to do is open it, and everything is exactly as it was before you saved it. So it would help if you described in more detail what you are having trouble with - perhaps post a copy of the score and describe what you want to do.

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