Updating abc_import

• Nov 24, 2012 - 14:45

I'm running Musescore 1.2 in Ubuntu 12.04, slowly transcribing various sources into a single melody line for my hammered dulcimer.
Now discovered ABC notation sources, and wishing to use the ABC Import plugin, I found an initial problem trying to use the default version.
I have downloaded the latest version, and the .zip file opens to give me two files, abc_import.js and abc_import.ui.
I've finally managed to replace the default .js file in the plugin folder, and it shows in the drop down menu.
Unfortunately, when I try to open ABC Import I get an error message (attached screenshot).
Is this because I haven't placed the .ui file where it needs to go(still on the desktop), and if so where does it go ?
If that's not the solution, I'd be grateful for guidance.
Many thanks,

Attachment Size
Screenshot from 2012-11-24 13:26:05.png 193.25 KB


Hi John -

Did you try the plugin installation instructions on this page ?

I haven't tried installing a plugin, but if you haven't seen that page yet, it would be a good place to start.



In reply to by Fifist

Yes, that is where I got the method from, starting with the para "Installation".
You'll note that there is no mention of the .ui file that also appears.
Closed down, and re-booted, opened Musescore and ran in to the Error window attached to op.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I installed the .ui file into the same Plugins folder as suggested.
I then opened a new file in Musescore, opened the ABC Import plugin window, and dragged the file name across, which of course didn't work.
Using the "Load File" button route worked because, I realised as I watched it happen, you need to have the ABC text file open, and drag the contents over, not it's name !
So I'm now a happy boy with a new toy to play with.
Many thanks,

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