Cannot select multiple bars

• Apr 24, 2017 - 22:15


I have been scanning the forum for hours to try and find help with selecting multiple bars in musescore to transpose a part. Everywhere I look it tells me to use the shift key, but if I do this all that happens is that the score is being played as a midi file. It is not possible for me to select more than one bar. Why is this and how can this be fixed? It is very annoying and means I am extremely limited in my use of msuescore. Thank you for your help.

Kind regards, Verena


There are multiple ways of selecting things, so let's try a few.

1) Click an empty place in the first measure to select it (blue rectangle should display around it). Then Shift+click an empty place in the last measure. This should extend the selection from the first measure to the last.


2) Click an empty place in the first measure to select it. Then press Shift+Ctrl+right (the right cursor key), which will move the cursor right one measure (Ctrl makes the cursor move by measure) and also exten the selection while you are at it (Shift does that).


3) Hold Shift while dragging the mouse to select. A rectangle should appear while you drag.

All of these methods involve Shift, not sure which of them you were trying, or if you were somehow doing something different.

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