64-bit version Musescore 2.1.

• May 2, 2017 - 10:54

''64-bit version: There are only two known reasons why you would want to run this unsupported 64-bit build: Because you want to use a huge SFZ or because your MIDI keyboard driver doesn't support 32-bit.''

please give 64-bit version Musescore 2.0.3. for all users.

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a 64-bit Version for 2.0.3 is available from the download page. What we'd need now is a 2.1 Version...
Creating that is an all manual process, Qt for Windows doesn't come with mingw for 64 bit, that is why there is no supported version (i.e. coming from the MuseScore team directly), but only that unsupported one (created by a MuseScore user and contributer, ABL ). Same for the nonSSE2 Version.

In reply to by branchus

I am preparing the 64bits version, but I don't know how much time it will require (I have to verify that the build environment is still working, and adapt the 64bits compilation tricks to the updated branch; and all of this during my spare time).
I think I will be able to compile and "release" the Windows 64bits version before the end of the week, even earlier if possible.

In reply to by branchus

Ciao to all the people requesting the Windows 64bit version.
Thomas and Nicolas uploaded the updated package (as well as the updated 32bit version without SSE2 commands) to the server. It can now be accessed from the download page:

Please test it for problems, I only quickly checked that at least the most basic functionalities were working. And remember that it is an "unsupported" version, therefore if you find any bug please try to reproduce it with an official 32bit build before reporting to the issue tracker.
Have fun and "Buona musica" - citing my fellow countryman Shoichi :-)


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