
• Jan 9, 2013 - 11:14

A couple of questions about the attached project please:

1. Why does the saxophone key signature not repeat on each line?

2. I've adjusted the chord entry position to bring the chordnames closer to the stave, but this has also altered the position of the tenuto marks on the first beats of bars 11 ansd 16 so that the tenuto marks are barely visible. Why is this and how can I restore the position of the tenuto marks?

Attachment Size
project.mscx 55.97 KB


1. Because you apparently disabled it. Menu -> Style -> Edit General Style... -> Page -> Create key sig. for all systems
2. no idea how and why chordnames and tenute are connected to one another, but you should be able to change the setting for the tenuto at Menu -> Style -> Edit General Style... -> Artuculations,Ornaments -> Articulation - note head distance. 0.5sp is not enough there I think, that is half a notehead (from it's center, apparently), 1.0sp is the default

You used staff text rather than tempo text, and aparently you didn't use the slach notation plugin for the guitar staff, which turnd done the 'notes' velocity.

Attachment Size
project.mscz 4.3 KB

OK thanks. I didn't intentionally disable it, I must have done it accidentally. I've since discovered that altering the chordname position affects several of the articulations and ornaments, but not all of them. The affected articulations and ornaments can be repositioned in the way you suggest, but it is a bit odd that they get affected by the chordname function.

Thanks for your help.

In reply to by Peter B

Yep, that's what I meant about the chord name text style. Are you sure that's actually what triggered the tenuto sign change? Maybe that just happened approximately the same time but was caused by something else? I note that in your score, the articulation general style is set to only 0.50 sp distance from notehead to marking; I think it's normally 1sp. Seems perhaps the same thing that changed your key signature setting also changed this.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Marc, I'm very new to using a guitar staff and I have to confess that I don't really underatnd it. I didn't use the slash plugin because I couldn't work out how it worked. It put the slashes way up above the stave, on high A actually, and I couldn't get them back down so I used stemless notes on middle B with slash heads. I have definitely never been near the articulation general style function, that's for sure, I wouldn't even know where to find it, so I'm afraid I don't really understand what's going on.

I have quite a few of these little excercise scores to do for teaching purposes, so I suppose I'd better stop being so lazy and get to grips with slash notation/articulation general style/edit text et. al. before I get into more of a pickle with it.

Once again thanks for all the help, it's greatly appreciated ..........

In reply to by Peter B

The plugin framework has some limitations, so the slash plugin isn't perfect. All it does is create stemless notes, the same as you are doing manually. It just automates the process. Plus it sets the velocity (volume) of the notes down to 1 so you can't hear them playback.

There are radio buttons to choose betwene trble clef and bass clef, so it knows whether to make the stemsless notes B above middle C or D below middle C. Unfortunately, guitar uses neither - it using the octave-transposing treble clef, in which middle C is actually the third space from the bottom, not a ledger line below the staff. That's not just MuseScore - that's how guitar is *always* written. But the slash plugin is trying to put the slashes on the B an octave above middle C, which is why they appear above the staff. You can either override this using the controls at the bottom of the slash plugiun dialog, or - much easier - simply hit ctrl-down after running the plugin to move them down the octave.

Not sure what that has to do with any of the issues here, though - probably nothing.

The question is how your general style got into such an unusual state. Did you start from some sort of template? Or perhaps try loading a style file via style / load style?

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