Musescore - LibreOffice

• Jan 30, 2013 - 08:52


I have use Musescore. It works correctly.
I want paste score to Libre Office.
The 1. Technique: With LibreOffice Musescore plugin. It's write: Scorename not found unable to convert MSCZ to PNG .

The 2. Technique: I make PNG file from my score (A5 sized page in MS) It makde a beautiful big size PNG file, BUT! If I paste to LibreOffice the size is too big, and if I get it smaller a some line missing from my score, because that pixel line sorted out from the picture. I have try to resize the PNG in Gimp, but this problem have I got too.

How can I make smaller size (dpi) score with stronger lines in the score?

Thanks for help.


First, regarding #1, I assume you are referring to the "MuseScore Example Manager" extension for LibreOffice. Could you describe in more detail exactly what you are doing (step by step), at what point the error message displays, and the exact text of the message? Does that happens with all scores you try to use this way, or just this one? I can't imagine any reaosn it would report "not found", but unable to convert to PNG could indicate there is already a PNG file by that name on your system and it's read only (perhaps because it's open for editing in the GIMP?). In general, though, this *should* work, and once you have everything installed and configured correctly (admittedly not as easy as I'd like), it ends up being *very* simple to use, and it gets everything right in terms of DPI, resizing images to fit, etc.

Regarding #2, how are you generating the PNG? If you are doing a "save as" directly from MuseScore, then you can change the DPI used by starting up MuseScore using "-r 200" (or whatever dpi setting you like). If you are using the Snippet Creator plugin, you can edit the ".js" file itself to alter the DPI setting used. However, in either case, there is a bug in how the PNG files are generated where the DPI reports as being something different from what it actually is, which can cause LibreOffice to get confused.

But - have you tried printing the document with the PNG file resized? Some lines might not display properly on screen when resizing images, but they should still print correctly.

Bill will give us a percentage...

I opened the file with MuseScore;
I saved as PDF;
I photographed it with "Paint" and saved as jpg;
I opened LibreOffice and imported the image.

A white background is easier to treat.

I can hear already the cries of horror...another cybercrime ;-)

Attachment Size
ltal mennék én a Tiszán.odt 98.11 KB

I have been doing this for a long time, as follows:

1 - save the score as name.png
2 - in libreoffice writer, select : insert-picture-from file
3- obviously, everything is moved out of place. Cursor on top of the score, right click: Image...
4- On the third tab, Adjust, Continuous
5- On the sixth tab, Crop, play with values Up and Down. Accept.
6- Now, you just have the part of the score you are interested in, and you can also write on top, or thru it.
An example is attached

Attachment Size
Examen Teoria LM dic.2012.odt 126.72 KB

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