Note from lower staff to upper staff

• May 13, 2017 - 22:48

How can I draw that note with a long stem in the picture "score.jpg". If I use ctrl+alt+up I obtain the result in the image "Nota su pentagramma superiore.jpg".

Attachment Size
Nota su pentagramma superiore.jpg 13.72 KB
Score.jpg 18.15 KB


We don't currently have a way of supporting that directly, you'll have to fake it. Several ways you could go about it, such as entering the notes on separate staves and adjusting stems to make them overlap, or entering the the notes on the same staff and manually adjusting the position of the note to make it appear as if it is on the other staff.

In reply to by gfds

"easily"? Maybe :-) I knew that area of code reasonably well, but much is changing for 3.0 and I'm not so sure how things work any more. I'm sure it's *possible* to get it done though. Are you a C++ programmer? MuseScore is open source, so feel free to go in and make the change. I'm not being sarcastic; I'm totally up for helping people find their way around for things like this.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Unfortunately I cannot play the piano well, so I do not know how much important that feature is, although I guess it is not important as it seems pianists are not asking for it. And unfortunately I do not know C++; but you gave me that great idea, so now learning C++ is on my things to do as soon as possible list. Thank you a lot.

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