Fine alignment of fingering, accents etc.

• Feb 24, 2013 - 12:27


as far as I know, you have to position fingering, accents etc. with the mouse. Many other graphics programmes offer the possibility to align graphics and suchlike with the arrow keys and do very fine alignment with ALT + arrow. I use this a lot in Inkscape, Libreoffice and so on and I think it would be nice if this could be done in musescore.


You can select accents and fingering in 2.0 with a click. Arrow keys move a little, [Ctrl]-arrow a bit more and [Alt]-arrow for bigger jumps.

You can select accents in 1.2 with a double-click. The behaviour is different with the arrow/[Ctrl]/[Alt] keys (arrow more, [Ctrl] less, [Alt] even less).

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