Use MIDI keyboard to enter note duration, dots and rests

• Feb 24, 2013 - 13:40

I'd like to dedicate one "unused" octave of my keys to enter basic durations (e.g. map C-G to 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1) as well as the dot (e.g. A) and the rest (e.g. B)... The most flexible way would be to allow key mapping in the settings dialog (similar to the flexible key mapping for computer keyboard), so that the user is flexible to select some keys that are not in use for the note entry.

I tried to work around with an external MIDI to keyboard mapper. It works, but MuseScore also interprets my entry, so that I automatically enter a note along with the duration setting... Please let me know when this feature request is unclear. I think it would ease note entry through MIDI a lot! At least in my case the computer keyboard is too far away from the keys to enable convenient note entry. Thus I'm stuck with the computer keyboard solution.

Thanks in advance for considering my request!


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