Key of G# major

• May 27, 2017 - 02:26

I am trying to notate some international folk dance music and, from the recording, it appears to be in the key of G# major. I'm very slow with this type of effort so I want to notate in the recorded key and then I will transpose into a more comfortable key for playing.

My understanding is that this key has 6 sharps and a double sharp. How can I show this in musescore? I don't know how to change the original key signature notation and the G# doesn't appear in the key palette.

Thank you.


In reply to by henryt

A problem with G# is that it contains a double F# and MuseScore does not recognize double sharps as being valid in key signatures. Some people consider all key signatures with double flats and sharps to be "theoretical" but I've seen them in print a few times and understood them perfectly.

If you want to find the notes of a You Tube Vidéo, for example, in using VLC (free) you can change the pitch, for ex. 1/2 tone lower for you, so in G. Very easier to find notes

in Western music, we can only use 7 sharps or 7 flats on Key signature.
This prevents to G# Major's existence (as an independent Key). Because it requires an eighth sharp. (or f double sharp) // For this reason, Fb major doesn't exist either.
Double sharps or double flats isn't used on Key signature normally,
Theoretically, it may exist on C# major: if a temporary modulation to the dominant-tone is made.

However, even theoretically, G### Major can exist. (as a result of the bunch of (forward) modulations.)
But it is not practically usable.
We will have to switch to the enharmonic equivalent, where it is needed.

I'd either go with Ab Major - as suggested by azumbrunn - or adjust the value in View ->Synthesiser ->Tuning ->Master Tunings so that you can enter notes in any easy key such as G major.

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