How to color a whole note inside?

• Apr 13, 2013 - 23:43

I'd like to color the inside of the whole note ( I use notehead 's' ) in black color. So far I am not able to find how to make it. The quarter notehead is not of the same shape so I can not use it.
At my music staff, the colored inside notes must coexist with not colored notes, shape must be the same. The color is just simply black. I am working with mscx xml files editing them from a c# program, so if there is an inside, undocumented feature, I can use it. Can someone do it for me in the next realease?
In my previous projects I've just colored it in a painting program, but that is rather a clumsy overkill. Sorry for troubles, may be not a single man in the world except me is in need of it.


Click on note
Press Z
Add a rectangle
Use [Ctrl]-arrow to nudge it into middle of the whole note.

Analysis of the MuseScore XML file shows that it adds a Symbol.../Symbol into the Note.../Note entry which appears predictable and searchable.

To color just the inside of the notehead:
By using the whole rest from the Symbols Palette (keyboard shortcut 'z') and placing it inside the notehead, the black outline remains visible. See the attachment for some possibilities.

Attachment Size
Note Color.mscz 2.88 KB

Using the MSCX format in a program is probably a very bad idea, since the format is not documented and it will evolve. The whole note notehead is drawn from a font and the font doesn't provide any whole notehead with inside color.
I think I already answered you here… about the MSCX format.

If you could provide more information about your project, we could try to guide you to a proper solution.

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