Accents & Falls in notation???

• Apr 18, 2013 - 15:16

As a new user of Musescore, I have been very impressed with both the ease of use and the coverage of complex notations within the program. I am a bit stuck with a couple that I just cant find (in either the application, in-line or on-line help) ...

1st How do I set a basic accent on a note(The 'greater than sign' that you place over the accented note). I can find plenty of what I would consider 'more complex' articulations (tenuto, marcarto, etc) - but no basic 'accent'. Where do I look for that?

2nd How to demote a 'fall' from a note? I am transcribing swing band music here, btw .. so it is not quite an arpeggio or gliss that I need here.

3rd - I have 17 parts to arrange (full big band) - Is it posisible to set rehearsal marks, Cress / Dim lines & other 'common text items' once - for all the parts in the score - or do I need to manually place them for each part?

Lastly (for now) - I get some cresendos & diminuendos that run over 4 or 5 bars. How do I show those when they wrap onto the next stave?




1/ The 10th one ins the articulation palette?
2/ Fall is not supported yet. It will be in the next version. You could use a slur.
3/ Rehearsal mark (Ctrl + M) are only needed at the top of the score. They will be outputed to all the parts. If you write Cresc or dim, you can make it a system text (Create -> text -> system text). For hairpin lines, you need to put them on each staff (obviously?).

4/ To extend lines (slur, crescendo etc...), never used the mouse. Double click the line and use Shift + right arrow. Or click on the first note and shift click on the last, and press S (for slur) or H (for crescendo) or Shift + H (decrescendo).

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Yes - of course,

Many thanks,

The I was getting confused with the accent mark - because the hand written score has it the other way around! (beware of arrangers who dont leave their name)

I will experiment with the crescendo marks, etc .. thanks for the hint

& I look forward to the next release.


1. Select the note, then double click the > from the Articulations palette. There are more of those available there.
2. doit and fall will be included in the next release, I believe
3. rehearsal mark not replication onto the part is a know bug I beliebe and fixed in next release, if I remember correctly. You may double check by downloading and trying a nightly build.
Edit: hmm, there#s a fix about rehearsal makrs disappearing if using 'hide empty staves' and the top staff is empty
4. Where' the problem? They do work accross line breake.

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