Won't let me add stretch

• Apr 24, 2013 - 16:43

I'm creating a score without barlines, having done this by giving a time signature of 32/1, which I'll then set invisisible. It's all cramped so I want to stretch it out to four systems. I selected the bar - layout - add more stretch but nothing happened.
The reason I want to do this is because of a piano pupil playing this piece who is stopping at every barline and I wanted to write it out for her like this in the hope that she'd understandthat it's continuous.
What should I do?

Attachment Size
Secret Garden no barlines.mscz 2.01 KB


Neither stretch nor anything else in MuseScore will let you continue a single measure over multiple lines. So one way or another, you need to break it up. Since the piece really is in 3/4, simply entering it that way then hiding the barlines is the most straightforward way to do it. However, there will be a bit of extra horizontal space if you do it that way, which might defeat you purpose of making it look like one uninterrupted flow of quarter notes. You can work around that by double clicking notes and nudging them left or right with the arrow keys. Or, you can decide how many beats you want per line and set up your score that way. 4 bars of 3/4 is 12/4, so that would give you twelve uninterrupted beats per line.

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