Mid staff instrument change should affect instrument staff name

• May 31, 2017 - 14:41

Release 2.1 has made a major advance by respecting transposition in instrument changes. This is especially useful in big band arrangements, in which saxophonists often play flute and or clarinet. It is also useful in orchestral scores when clarinetists alternate between instruments in B flat and A, and also in horns and trumpets staves.
However, when changing instruments the name of the staff should also be changed. This could be done automatically but I suggest user-editable fields where full and abbreviated names are given for non-standard instruments and scores in other languages.


Agreed. I tried to make this happen but the way things are implemented it wasn't straightforward. Not impossible, though, maybe I'll try again. One thing I know is that things and very different for 3.0 and this will probably work better.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I know and thank you for the excellent work. We have discussed this issue before. I've posted again because I have not seen any development in this feature in the nightly builds and I think this feature, plus the ability to change the type of staff will be significant improvements in (already) high standards of Musescore.

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