Superposed melodies and spoken lyrics

• May 21, 2013 - 18:21

Hi everyone !
I tried to find my answer on the forum, but I didn't, though it's possible I simply don't know the right term to search for.
Anyway :
- how does someone write two melodic lines on the same staff with Musescore?
Like this : [img][/img]
Or this : [img][/img] (lower line on the piano)
- On another sheet, I'd like to add spoken lyrics. I've found on the Net a sheet where such lyrics are represented by a one-line staff, but does this fonctionality exist on Musescore ? I can't seem to find it either.
Thank you in advance, I hope you can help me :)


For the 1st question see voices
I don't quite understand the 2nd question, what would be the difference between sung and spoken lyrics?
That they don't tie to a note? Then use staff text or a frame and frame text.

For one line staff, you can create a snare drum staff or you can use any staff, right click on it -> Staff properties -> change the number of line to 1.

Thank you both , that helps a lot !

@Jojo-Schmitz : For this composition I want some lyrics spoken and accompanied by sung vocals, and the others sung. In choirs I've sung a few things like that, and some well-known songs use that too ; for instance, Abba's "Move On" and Nightwish's "Cristabel" come to mind. I have no use of a classical five-line staff when I don't use notes, and a one-line makes the whole sheet lighter ; but I need a staff anyway, because I want the rhythm to be precise, so raw text didn't make it for me.

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