[SOLVED] majority of shortcuts not working? [keyboard layout priorities]

• Jun 5, 2013 - 18:08

Hello everyone!

This *could* be unrelated to Musescore - I'd appreciate your insight either way!

I just discovered that very few shortcuts work in Musescore for me. More specifically, the shortcuts that work are those for entering note duration (1-9 and the dot and 0 for rests). Other basic shortcuts have no effect: N, Ctrl+Z, any letters for entering note values, any shortcut that uses Ctrl, etc. Ctrl+Z and other shortcuts work fine in other applications.

Musescore (1.3) in installed under Linux Mint (13) in two computers with identical settings: the default language is English (US), Regional Settings are set to Greek. Keyboard shortcuts work just fine on the other computer. This is the first time I tried using keyboard shortcuts to enter notes on this computer, so I don't know if they ever worked (though I *think* I would have noticed Ctrl+Z not working before).

I reset Preferences via Terminal, reset system Keyboard Shortcuts, tested various combinations of Language and Regional settings in case that made any difference - no luck. [I suspected language problems because I've been unable to enter diacritics in the lyrics since version 1.2., on either computer]

Since my shortcut problems are limited on one computer only, I suspect this is due to a difference in settings, but I can't think what could that difference be! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks for your time!


In reply to by Shoichi

Your comment was spot on!

The difference between the two computers was their respective primary keyboard layout. The setting on the computer where shortcuts worked had English (US) as primary with Greek as secondary, whereas it was the other way around for the other.

While testing, I did switch between layouts (both via the layout-switching shortcut and via the language button on the desktop panel), but that made no difference. I don't understand why layout switching didn't allow shortcuts to work, but I'm very happy the solution to my problem was as simple as setting English as the primary layout!

Thank you very much for pointing me to the right direction, Shoichi!

PS. I guess this adds further support to the premise that layout priority in some Linux distros has unexpected side-effects in shortcut-handling, as suggested in other threads, such as http://musescore.org/en/node/16865

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