Upload Score Audio Icon and the lame files are grayed out.

• Jun 3, 2017 - 14:50

Help! Something must be wrong with the Upload Score Audio Icon when I'm trying to Upload a Score. Let's just say if you've already finished your score and you save it as, whatever, then you can save it online, but sometimes when you do that, well, the Icon the says Upload Score Audio can sometimes mostly be grayed out. And other times it will be available. But I can't use the Score Audio because when I tried out Lame, the icon "limbp3lame.dylib" is also grayed out and all I can use is that Stupid FluidR3 SoundFont as the Default audio!, Even a bunch of no-good VideoScore Audios that I have to constantly upload on my YouTube Channel every time I upload a Score of that piece!!!

Can anyone help me please for Crying out loud?!


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