ABC import update for MuseScore 2.0

• Jul 23, 2013 - 14:04

Hi everyone!

I rewrote most of the ABC Import plugin to make it work on MuseScore 2.0 (and learn a bit more about QML). Almost everything is working, except that after loading the file with the read() function, the global string looses all it's line breaks. I haven't found how to read the file line by line like in the older version of the plugin.

Otherwise, there's a problem with large tunes. In those cases, we get the error message "Request-URI Too Large". To solve the problem, we would need to do a "Post" request with the XMLHttpRequest instead of a "Get" request. Though, you would need to update the server-side script to handle it.

The last thing I'm struggling with is the size of the plugin window. Whatever the dialog plugins I try, it always opens in a small window around 150x150 on the upper left side of the screen, so I need to enlarge the windows with the mouse. Not sure if that could be a QtQuick bug.

Oh, one last thing, when an ABC tune is imported after pasting it, there is a lot of message "TempoMap: empty" appearing in the console.

I included here the new version of the plugin.

If you have advices or could forward/guide me. Thanks,

Stéphane Groleau

P.S. I wanted to attach the .QML file directly, but this forum system doesn't allows this file extension.

Attachment Size 1.2 KB


loading the file with the read() function, the global string looses all it's line breaks.
This is a bug in the implementation of FileIO. It's fixed in cc2a98cf60
FileIO source now also accept a file:// URL and it will make it easier to use with the FileDialog component.

Request-URI Too Large
POST is already possible and should work. The current ABC import plugin in MuseScore 1.3 uses POST. See… around line 127

Size of the plugin window
I'm aware of this one. It's a bug in MuseScore or in the way we create the Qt Quick dialog.
It's fixed in 187765b882

"TempoMap: empty"
This is just a debug message. It should be ok.

PS: It's now possible to attach QML file.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Thanks Lasconic for the fixes!

Now everything seems to work with the plugin. I join here the plugin file (where should I put it? On GitHub?)

Unfortunately, I discovered a new problem, but this time it's with the converter. The score produced doesn't show the alternate endings. Though, the repeat bars are fine. The ABC tune I tried to convert is

Strangely, it was working with MuseScore 1.2

Attachment Size
abc.qml 3.64 KB

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