file size and editing score

• Jun 10, 2017 - 18:50

I exported a score from Sibelius 7 as XML and then opened it in Musescore and saved it as an MSCZ. It is 143 pages with 12 staves (small orchestra). The MSCZ file 349K.

When I try to edit, playback, or save, or pretty much do anything with the file Musescore is really slow. I get the spinning color wheel a lot. My iMac is 2.7 gz with 8 gigs of memory.

Is this score too big for Musescore, or is there some problem with the file, maybe due to the XML conversion?



Welcome, deactivate Navigator (F12), if enabled.
Could you attach here your score?
use the "File attachments" option at the bottom of the page, just above the Save and Preview buttons when you're typing your post. Click on 'File attachments' it will become browse

Unfortunately, MuseScore is known to be slow with very large scores - it basically lays out the entire score on every operation (twice if the Navigator is on). This should be greatly improved in a future version that will lay out only what is needed.

That said, it is indeed problem the conversion from MusicXML resulted in a score with some extraneous stuff that is slowing things down further, so feel free to attach it so we can see.

If you upload the score we could check it out and see if there are problems in the XML that are adding to the slowness, but big scores Do slow down MuseScore.

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