Note entry in Bach's 6th Cello Suite Prelude

• Jun 15, 2017 - 15:04

Several measures in Bach's 6th Cello Suite prelude display groups of three eighth notes, In these groups the two outer notes are stem down (2nd voice?), and the center note is stem up(1st voice?). How do I enter notes to look like this?


I did the first measure for you. What I did was enter the down stem notes in voice 2 with rests for the voice 1 notes. I then selected the rest and last note in each triplet and applied the Beam Middle from the Beam property palette. Next I entered the up stem notes in voice 1. I then selected all of the rests by selecting the measure, right click any rest and select all similar elements in range selection. Then pressed V to make them invisible. I then selected the first note in the triplet and pressed the + key to tie the notes. I use the term triplet to describe what is seen even though I did not use the triplet feature. See the attached file for the first measure.

Attachment Size
bach cello.mscz 5.34 KB

In reply to by underquark

"and pressed the + key to tie the notes."

The notes are not tied: cello.mscz


"In these groups the two outer notes are stem down (2nd voice?), and the center note is stem up(1st voice?)"

So, indeed.
Eg, begin by voice 2: type 4, eighth note value. For the first two beats, ditto after (except some notes): enter D-0-D- / D-0-D
Then voice 1: always eighth note value: enter 0-D-0- / 0- D-0
After: select the eighth rests voice 2 and double click on Middle Beam symbol (second one) in Beam properties
To finish, hide the unnecessary rests, and add slurs (and editing, better)

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