Why is the treble and bass clef on the marimba entering wrong notes?

• Jun 17, 2017 - 19:43

I am planning on composing a Marimba solo with a treble and bass clef, and every time I enter a note on treble clef, it plays the note of what it would be on bass clef.
And as far as the bass clef goes, it's acting up the same way as the treble clef, but this time, it's only worse.
For example, I'm in the key signature of F major or D minor. If I were to try and enter a g sharp on the first line, it would sound an F note. Or if I were to enter a B, then it would sound a G.
I'm not sure if it's due to any marching percussion sound fonts I have installed, or if it's just a bug. Either way, please help!


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Perhaps have you enter a Marimba Alto, so, if you enter notes with a midi keyboard , if you enter a note , MS write 1 tone 1/2 under if you are on concert tonalité (or the contrary) . I don't know i not use keyboard. I try at home with Marimba standard, no problem, i put F major, i write with the mouse only, so I can't write Gsharf, only G, but after with up arrow, i get G sharp. Ms takes my low notes until the F3 (under the stave,) then it passes on the low stave. Idem on the high, I write on the low stave until the G2 above the low stave, after MS passes on the upper stave. But, after if I take a low note on upper stave or an high note on down stave, I can, with up or down arrow make these notes what I want without change stave.

I wish you understand my French-------English

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