Offset problem

• Aug 29, 2013 - 09:22

There is some strange behaviour when assigning an offset to rests of voices 2 and 4 (voices 1 and 3 do not seem to be affected). After saving and reloading a score with a moved rest, some 4sp seem to be added to the vertical value ("Offset Y"), while decimal places seem to be rounded down to the next integer. All vertical offset values above 5.5 result in 10sp (if I am not mistaken, that's because 10sp is the upper limit for a vertical offset).

A few examples: A vertical offset of -3 results in 1 while a vertical offset of -2.5 also results in 1; a vertical offset of 3 results in 7 while a vertical offset of 3.5 also results in 7; as already said offset values above 5.5 all result in 10sp.

Horizontal offset values are correctly stored.

I am using the current current github branch with Qt 5.1 under Linux:

Excuse me if this problem is discussed already in another thread.


I can't reproduce but maybe I'm guessing wrong.

With MuseScore e8bb51967b (this is the current btw, yours is one month old)

  1. Create a score for flute
  2. Add a quarter note on the first beat in voice 1 and voice 2
  3. Move the quarter rest in voice 2, 1.52 space down in the inspector (F8) (btw there is no hardcoded maximum for this value)
  4. Save, close, and reopen the file
  5. Rest is exaclty at the same position and the offset value in the inspector is correct.

What are you doing differently? How do you change the offset? Can you reproduce with a recent build?

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