Cross-staff line

• Sep 8, 2013 - 05:20

In a book, there is a line when cross-staff occurs.

Cross-staff line.png

Could there be a function in MuseScore for this?

Attachment Size
Cross-staff line.png 253.89 KB


While a line can obviously be used, I do sometimes think having a line that works like a glissando - attaching to notes and automatically moving with them - would be nice. Of course, you can often actually use a glissando, then turn off the text display. But you really don't want to attach that playback semantic.

Seems it would be pretty easy to add an element that was essentially a text-less glissando with no particular semantics. Useful for a number of purposes, cross-staff notation being but one.

Thanks ChurchOrganist.

I tried the object in Lines in 1.3 (doesn't seem to work properly in 2.0) and it could be okay.

However, I do agree with Marc.

I think one of the greatest examples we can try to learn, particularly in the transition from 1.3 to 2.0 (or any other future version as the software continues to correct and improve), is that your elements may not appear in the same regard. Having to adjust them for every new version is not a sustainable practice, especially if you have many scores, or if you are exporting. Hence, why I favour a function that attaches to noteheads, or something. Elements and the layout can hopefully, therefore, be more self-efficient and future-proof.

I have a question: Do all instances of cross-staff utilise a line?

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